Event South Brisbane


Wander through the snow, build a snowman and make snowballs in the middle of South Bank.
Sarah Ward
July 22, 2020


It doesn't snow in Brisbane. It doesn't really get all that cold in winter either. But, until the chilliest season on the annual calendar is over for this year, Brisbanites can still walk through snow, build a snowman and make snowballs — all by dropping by South Bank.

No, the weather won't be extra frosty just at the inner-city riverside precinct. No, we're not living in a Hollywood disaster movie. Rather, Snow4Kids is returning for 2020. The idea is simple: this winter wonderland brings a heap of real snow to the South Bank Piazza, then lets anyone with a $20 ticket frolic through it, with the space open from Friday–Sunday weekly until August 30.

This is a family-friendly event, as the name gives away. If you have littlies to bring along, that'll be welcome news. If you're an adult without any kids in tow, you're still able to head along — but the organisers ask that you be mindful of the fact that you'll have plenty of pint-sized company.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there's no tobogganing this year. And, to keep everyone safe and socially distanced, you'll be allocated your own snow zone with your own small snow mountain. Heavy sanitising will also be happening all over the place, and numbers will be limited — so if you're keen to get snowy on your way home from work one Friday night, or across a weekend, you might want to nab a ticket sooner rather than later.

Snow4Kids runs from Friday–Sunday weekly until Sunday, August 30 — open from Fridays from 3.30–7.30pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from 9.30am–6.30pm.




Friday, July 17, 2020 - Sunday, August 30, 2020

Friday, July 17 - Sunday, August 30, 2020


South Bank Piazza
410 Stanley Street
South Brisbane


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