Stephen Hart: Fellow Humans

Marvel at Stephen Hart's impressive hand-carved timber sculptures at his latest exhibition.
Elizabeth Penrose
Published on October 14, 2013


To put it simply, Stephen Hart is a creative genius. His artistic skills are phenomenal, as are his creative visions. His latest project, Fellow Humans, sees him immortalise 20 significant people from his direct community in the form of stunning sculptures. While some may be close friends of Stephen and unknown to the wider audience, others are major players in Brisbane's creative scene and will be instantly recognisable.

Stephen is known for his traditional techniques regarding hand-carving timbers. His sculptures are eerily realistic and capture both the physicality and the spirit of the subject. Fellow Humans is part of a larger piece of work entitled, Document, a collection of exhibitions that explore the relationship between artists and Brisbane as a whole.

Catch the artist talk on 20 October 2pm and 27 February 11am. Email [email protected] with 'Stephen Hart' as the subject line for more booking information.


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