The Science of Life & Death: Murder in Brisbane

Gory and informative.
Sarah Ward
Published on September 12, 2016


Fancy spending your Friday night hearing about murder? Stick with us here. The Australian Academy of Science's latest event promises to be both gory and informative, and touch upon everything from poisons to venom to a peek in to what makes a killer.

Murder in Brisbane is the third session in the AAS's The Science of Life & Death series, which aims to push audiences to the edge of our comfort levels, and start a national conversation about life, death and beyond in the process. You're either horrified at the thought, or you're fascinated and already booking a ticket.

Join Dr Aaron Sell to delve into the mind of a murderer, and then hear Dr Harendra Parekh spill the deets on substances that aren't so good for you. Plus, Associate Professor Bryan Fry shares what he's learned from a life studying venom. You'll also discover a few modern murders with strange new weapons, because this really is the morbid topic that keeps on chilling. Don't say we didn't warn you.

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