Walkley’s Photographers’ Slideshow

Any student, journalist, photographer, general art appreciator or wannabe hipster should jump at this opportunity. To put it plainly, it's a big deal and you don't want to miss it.
Sarah Hazlehurst
Published on September 06, 2011


In association with Brisbane Writers Festival, The Walkleys are in Brisbane hosting The Photographers Slide Show at GoMA this Saturday. Photographer Slide Shows are an annual event run by The Walkley Foundation in honor of Australian photojournalists. The event gives photographers of all ages the opportunity to show off their latest projects with the art loving community. Any student, journalist, photographer, general art appreciator or wannabe hipster should jump at the opportunity to observe and get to know Australia’s fresh faces of press photography and chat to some of the industries most prestigious. To put it plainly, it's a big deal and you don't want to miss it. Brisbane definitely has one up on our rivals Sydney and Melbourne, pfft they may have Eminem, but we have mountains of artistic talent and the Walkleys come back every year...yeah, what!

The event is free with registration. To attend you must send an RSVP email to [email protected]. If you just rock up you won't be let in, so make sure you RSVP soon to secure your place. Spend your Saturday morning basking in the best of our nation's talent, whilst enjoying free food and wine. Seriously, we have it good here.

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