Event Brisbane

Wrecked ‘Em Markets

Spend your Saturday evening sifting through treasures and chowing down on delicious pizza.
Elizabeth Penrose
January 20, 2014


The Southside Tea Room is playing host to the Wrecked 'Em Markets this Saturday night. This cute kitsch heaven will be filled wall-to-wall with art, crafts, zines, posters, clothes and who knows what other goodies you'll get your hot little hands on.

If you're keen to get in on the action, just bring along some coin and rummage around in search of a pretty item or two. Sellers are welcome to pitch a table and part with their pre-loved treasures.

Make a night of it and grab a bite to eat or a cold one while you're finding the perfect item. We can assure you that there is no pot luck when it comes to receiving a tasty meal at the Southside Tea Room. So, snack on the happy pig pizza and select from a wide range of beers while you wile away your evening.

Leaving an event with a full tummy and a couple of treats sounds like a successful Saturday night to us!


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