The Painted Peacock Exhibition

Art from the heart.
Concrete Playground
Published on December 05, 2016


A street muralist, jeweller, illustrator and photographer posed the question whether their own unique sets of skills could create one almighty artistic superpower when brought together. The next minute they were onboard a plane to India to teach art workshops to children in need and create vibrant street art.

The Painted Peacock is the project of five friends: Hayley King (Flox), Cathy Pope, Ema Frost, Sacha Stejko and Indian artist Rajesh Soni. Following their trip, the final objective of the venture is to showcase the documentation and artwork to the people of New Zealand. The Painted Peacock Exhibition is a colourful display of art from the heart comprising stencil art, watercolours, photography, ceramics and jewellery.

And the best part — from pieces sold over the duration of the exhibition a percentage will be donated to Kidscan and Badi Primary School in India.


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