20 Questions

The Wheeler Centre is launching a referendum on the everyday at Town Hall.
By Amy Collins
February 03, 2014

Sat, Feb 8, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Melbourne Town Hall

90-120 Swanston Street, Melbourne
Buy Tickets

Think that voting is just about which political party you want in? Well 20 Questions is here to prove otherwise. The Wheeler Centre — known for its literary exploration, will take to the streets of Melbourne with polling booths asking Melbourne about the big issues that shape our shared experience. They will also delve into the more trivial. Think questions like 'If you had to choose, would you prefer non-fiction or fiction?'; 'Happy endings or sad ones?'; 'Are you a summer person or a winter person?'; 'Do you believe in individuality or community?'; 'Gratification or anticipation?'; 'Would you rather outlive your partner or be outlived?'; 'Which is worse: war or famine?'; 'Drowning at sea or indefinite detention?' You can follow online with the hashtag #20questions if you want a piece of the action.

At the end of the day — just like election day — there will be an old-fashioned election party at Melbourne Town Hall to look at the results and invite us all to think about what this means for our society. Commentators George Negus, Sophie Black, Bernard Salt and Ray Martin will be on hand to discuss the many findings. It will be an evening of comedy, thought and of course, healthy debate.

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