News Food

Lentil As Anything Is Opening Victoria's First Pay-As-You-Feel Supermarket

The Inconvenience Store is stocked with rescued food and run by volunteers
Libby Curran
June 21, 2018


It's famed for dishing up generous vegetarian feeds at pay-as-you-feel prices, with four volunteer-run eateries across Melbourne and Sydney. And now, Lentil As Anything has launched a grocery built around the same philosophies.

Opening at the back of Lentil's Thornbury restaurant, The Inconvenience Store is the state's first-ever pay-as-you-feel supermarket. The shelves here will be stocked with goods rescued as part of the group's Food Without Borders initiative, which collects quality food from shops and markets which is otherwise destined for landfill. With a Foodprint Project report estimating that Melburnians alone turf more than 900,000 tonnes of edible food each year, this promises to be a great way for locals to do their bit in the war against food waste.

The supermarket has no set prices, with customers instead asked to contribute simply what they can afford. Those keen to lend a hand can donate, or even volunteer to work at the store. Lentil As Anything says contributions will go towards keeping its food rescue operations running, covering things like electricity bills, transport costs and storage.

Last year, Australian food rescue charity OzHarvest opened a supermarket in Sydney based around a similar concept, it stocks food rescued from supermarkets and restaurants and customers can pay what they like. While everyone is welcome, it's aim is to help people in need.

Lentil As Anything's Inconvenience Store is now open 11am–3pm Friday to Monday at 562–564 High Street, Thornbury. 

Updated: July 25, 2018.