Kino Short Film Nights

Kino Sydney is a monthly short film night with a unique concept: all the films screened are made specifically for the night and they are not competing against one another. The result is a free forum for ideas, where filmmakers collaborate with one another to produce short works that defy their lack of financial support. […]


Kino Sydney is a monthly short film night with a unique concept: all the films screened are made specifically for the night and they are not competing against one another. The result is a free forum for ideas, where filmmakers collaborate with one another to produce short works that defy their lack of financial support.

It is no surprise then that such a great idea is part of a global movement. Born in Montréal in ‘99, Kino has cells in Canada, the US, France, Germany, the UK, South Africa and Australia. Sydney’s particular chapter was founded by The Festivalists, a non-profit film festival company headed by Mathieu Ravier and Marianne Alla.

For those only wishing to participate from the safety of a comfy cushion, Kino nights also offer the best cinema deal in Sydney: an open slather of hot food, Coopers Pale Ale and Jamesons Irish Whiskey for a modest $15 cover charge.

An interview with Mathieu Ravier can be found here.


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