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Legendary Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Is Coming to Australia

He's walked on the moon, punched a conspiracy theorist and given Buzz Lightyear a name. What have you done today?
Shannon Connellan
August 13, 2015


Yeah, we've watched Sam Rockwell freak out on the moon, feared for Stanley Kubrick's astronauts trotting around the joint in 2001: A Space Odyssey, and imagined what would happen if the Nazis built a secret moon base there in Iron Sky. But living legend Buzz Aldrin's actually been there, one of the first two people to walk on the moon, and he's coming to Australia to take you through it — and new Mars-based plans of his.

Aldrin is headed to Australia for two exclusive appearances this November in Sydney and Melbourne, chatting onstage with Ray Martin. Aldrin will be delving into space history, his straight-up unfathomable experiences and the future of space travel — the type of chat that'll make you want to change careers stat.

Aldrin's done much more than simply watching Neil Armstrong take the first giant leap for mankind — although he'd take that same leap right after, becoming one of the first two humans to set foot on the moon. He was a fighter pilot in Korea, and manned the pioneering Gemini 12 flight (where he made the world’s first successful record-setting complex space walk EVA). Then of course, the historic Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969. Yeah moon, take that.

Add to this the fact that he's pioneered astronaut underwater training techniques to simulate working in space, he took the world’s first selfie photograph in space, Buzz Lightyear was named after him, and he once punched a conspiracy theorist in the face. So basically, a total badass before his time.

But Aldrin's not one to dwell on the past when it comes to space exploration, he's on a mission to land humans on Mars by 2035 and actually has a plan to do it. Hear it firsthand when he chats to Martin onstage this November. Want to learn more about where we sit in the universe? Ask a guy who's been further into it than you.


Friday, November 27, 8pm — State Theatre, Sydney
Sunday, November 29, 8pm — Town Hall, Melbourne

Tickets via Ticketmaster.

Image: Buzz Aldrin.

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