A Little Room

Combining theatre, film and radio, this play will let you into the lives of three women, witnessing moments of their love and their love lost.
Rhiannon Sawyer
Published on June 18, 2011


Have you ever wandered down a suburban street at night, when everyone's living room lights are illuminating their dinner and TV watching activities, and taken a little peek inside? We're all a little voyeuristic by nature, but it's not just the big events in life that are interesting. Sometimes we need to satisfy our curiosity for seeing into the lives of others.

The Living Room Theatre company has combined our curious nature with a three fold theatre performance. Combining film, a radio play and a live theatre performance, A Little Room will let you into the lives of three women as they experience moments of love lost and gained. It will explore what these little moments mean when the time for taking them for granted has past.

Toying with ideas about memory, experience and how we cope with the loss of love, this production will inspire a whole new way of looking at your loved ones. Do you remember the little moments? What happens if memories are all you have left? Inspired by the work of Canadian sound designer Janet Cardiff and employing the compositional structures of of Steve Reich and Keith Jarrett, this will be an illuminating production.


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