Event Walsh Bay

Andrew Hansen and Chris Taylor: In Conversation with Lionel Corn

This is the most meta event for a crowd of meta-appreciators you've ever seen.
Jimmy Dalton
May 18, 2015


Thundering into town upon the back of his immense triumphs in literature, and now the world of cult television, Lionel Corn is the kind of author who draws focus with the slightest adjustment of his seating position. It's no wonder that academics, writers manqué and pedantic fans alike want to limply dab him to death with inane questions whenever he speaks publicly.

Following a successful stint at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, The Chaser's Andrew Hansen and Chris Taylor bring the portly form of Corn to the Sydney Writers' Festival for one night only. Hansen and Taylor's George RR Martin-like figure is the centre of a show that pokes fun at the rise in 'In Conversation'-type events, many of which you'll find over these next two months as Sydney is deluged with the SWF, Vivid and Sydney Film Festival in quick succession.



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