Arts & Entertainment

Cat Film Festival 2015

This is what we have become.
By Shannon Connellan
October 02, 2015

Sun, Oct 4, 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Bicentennial Park Glebe
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Maru stuck in too-small cardboard boxes. Grumpy Cat being genuinely unable to help the shape of his own face. Lil Bub hangin' with Whoopi Goldberg. Sure, you could load all three of these superstars on your screen right now, but what if some know-your-freakin-audience genius decided they'd take things next level make an entire film festival of internet cat videos?

Celebrating their love of cats and videos of cats doing stupid, stupid things, RSCPA NSW are hosting their second Cat Film Festival at Glebe's Bicentennial Park on Sunday, October 4. Even if you thought cat videos jumped the shark with Cats Make You Laugh Out Loud, you've got to admit this feel-good festival takes things to a whole other level. Here's how it went down last year:

From short films to six-second Vine videos, the screening will visit all your favourite feline celebrities and raise funds for the RSPCA. But the night won't just be sitting and pointing every time Grumpy Cat hates on life or Colonel Meow looks like the demon from the end of Fantasia. You can visit the 'Cattoo Parlour', nom on some tasty food truck treats, adopt a pet in the 'Kitten Cuddle Cube' or throw back some milk in the Cat's Meow VIP Club (for a little extra kibble).

Image: Dollar Photo Club.

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