Griffin's Really Intimate Theatre

Let nothing stand between you and the drama.
Gemma Mollenhauer
Published on May 08, 2015


If you've ever sat in the theatre and thought, 'those actors are just too damn far away', then Griffin's Really Intimate Theatre is for you. For one day only, Griffin Theatre Company are taking to the streets around Circular Quay to offer unassuming passers-by a one-on-one theatre experience inside their specially built pop-up venue.

The shows are free, go for five minutes and involve one of a rotating cast of Griffin's finest performers. Kind of like a theatre world equivalent to 'Five Minutes in the Closet'. Architect Jon King has stepped into to design the cosy, two-person venue.

To experience a Really Intimate Theatre, simply look for Griffin's representative at East Circular Quay on the promenade in front of the Quay Grand Hotel (on the way to Sydney Opera House) between 10am – 2pm on Saturday, May 9.

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