OZ Film vs. OZ Audience

How many Australian films have been on your radar this year? Did Samson & Delilah’s win at Cannes pique your interest? What about the first Aboriginal comedy, Stone Bros? Surely the political and powerful Balibo got a look in, and now you’re rushing to see Bruce Beresford’s adaptation of Mao’s Last Dancer? Yes? No? Why? […]


How many Australian films have been on your radar this year? Did Samson & Delilah’s win at Cannes pique your interest? What about the first Aboriginal comedy, Stone Bros? Surely the political and powerful Balibo got a look in, and now you’re rushing to see Bruce Beresford’s adaptation of Mao’s Last Dancer?

Yes? No? Why? Why not?

Metro Screen is holding a forum to toss around some ‘precious eggs’; discussing how and why there seems to be a schism between Australian cinema and Australian cinemagoers. Despite 2009 being a bumper year for local theatrical releases, for the most part it just hasn’t translated to the box office.

Garry Maddox highlighted some sobering statistics in his article The Year in Pictures; also advocating for more Australian film heroes, and more marketing money. While Beautiful Kate director Rachel Ward* railed against the ‘dark and bleak’ monikers bestowed upon local fare, defending her ‘precious egg’ and suggesting Australian film critics need a vocabulary lesson. Both Maddox and Ward will be taking part on the panel to expand upon their thoughts.

Moderated by Urban Cinefile’s Andrew Urban, other panellists include: Margaret Pomeranz (ABC At the Movies), Dr. Ruth Harley (CEO Screen Australia), Susan Hoerlein (Tsuki Publicity & Promotions manager), Tony Lum (Managing Director, Hopscotch Films), Kath Shelper (Producer of Samson & Delilah) and Anthony I. Ginnane (SPAA). Producer of Little Fish Liz Watts will also be guest speaker of the evening.

Oz Film vs. Oz Audience isn’t going to be a group whinge, rather an animated and frank look at our film industry. Funding, filmmaking, marketing and distribution will all be up for discussion in an effort to source some solutions to overcome this cinematically great divide.

*Read up on the debate:
Lynden Barber's response to Rachel Ward
On Beautiful Kate and Australian Criticism
Michael Coulter: Screening the Same Old Dreary Story
Luke Buckmaster: Is Australian Film Still Down in the Dumps?

OZ film vs. OZ audience. Forum by Metro Screen from Metro Screen on Vimeo.


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