Event Kings Cross

PAN Magazine Launch: Issue 2

For those who like independent publications to read in their small bars, PAN Magazine laughs off the sophomore blues with its second issue.
Bethany Small
September 26, 2011


PAN Magazine. Is that in a goat-legged Greek deity/wow that initial bit of Narnia was creepy/The Secret History kind of a way? Or an out of the frying PAN magazine into the fire deal? PAN, as in 'across the spectrum' is probably a better guess, like how a pandemic is different from an epidemic. But then again, looking at those categories, PAN is pandemic in that it's crowdsourced, takes submissions openly, is definitely hot stuff, and this week its second issue is being launched in a den of satyrs.

The World Bar has long and commendably dedicated its Wednesday nights to affairs of The Arts in an atmosphere that is soundtracked and as boozy as you need it to be. The launch of PAN's second edition (after a first that sold out two whole entire print runs) is a stand-up addition to this calendar, with people like Penguin Plays Rough's Pip Smith reading out words and people like Kirin J. Callinan playing musical sounds  and live drawings, and tigers, and bears, OH MY!



Wed, Sep 28, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011



The World Bar
24 Bayswater Road
Kings Cross


$10 entry, $15 for the mag
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