Event Paddington

R.M. Williams Warehouse Sale

If R.M.s are usually out of your budget, this might be your chance to snag a pair.
Lauren Vadnjal
April 26, 2018


R.M.s are arguably Australia's most iconic shoe. From a modest start in the Adelaide outback servicing the stockmen and women of the heartland, 85 years later, a diverse range of people still wear the boots — from farmers in the outback, to corporate businessmen, to the style set at fashion week. Australian designer Dion Lee has used R.M.s regularly in campaign shoots and runway shows, and last week the brand released a second run of its limited edition gold boots.

Of course, at $545 a pair, they're not exactly cheap — unless you can snag a pair at a discount. This weekend might be your chance to do just that the annual R.M. Williams Warehouse Sale rolls into Paddington Town Hall. Boots will be at least 25 percent cheaper, and clothing and accessories will be marked at half price.

The sale will be open 8am–6pm on Friday, 9am–5pm on Saturday and 10am–5pm on Sunday. Expect a line.




Friday, April 27, 2018 - Sunday, April 29, 2018

Friday, April 27 - Sunday, April 29, 2018


Paddington Town Hall
Corner of Oxford Street & Oatley Road


Free entry
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