Event Arts & Entertainment


This latest film from director Gus Van Sant powerfully reminds us that death is no match for the challenge of finding true love.
Alex Barber
November 28, 2011


Restless is the latest film by Gus Van Sant, director of Milk and Good Will Hunting. It follows the journey of teenage outsiders, Annabel Cotton (Mia Wasikowska) and Enoch Brae (Henry Hopper). Annabel is a pixie-faced terminal cancer patient with a quirky and deep-felt love of the natural world. Enoch is an awkward misfit unable to deal with the untimely death of his parents and takes comfort in attending strangers' funerals.

Annabel and Enoch meet each other for the first time at a memorial service, and quickly become inseparable while devouring each others' idiosyncrasies. The uplifting soundtrack and vintage-inspired setting make this teen romance playful, raw and unique. The characters seem mature beyond their years as they are thrown toward the inevitable end and face their fears about life and death.

One intrusion in the film is Enoch’s imaginary best friend Hiroshi, the ghost of a former Japanese Kamikaze fighter pilot. He acts as a confidant and protector to Enoch but also brings a twee element to the film and lessens its authenticity. Powerfully, however, Restless reminds us that death is no match for the challenge of finding true love. Restless screens from December 1. Pack a hankie.



Thursday, December 1, 2011 - Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thursday, December 1 - Saturday, December 31, 2011


Various cinemas in Sydney


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