Event Parramatta

Tex Perkins: Far From Folsom – Sydney Festival

The creepy, historic Parramatta Gaol gets a one-night-only cultural outing.
Jasmine Crittenden
December 05, 2014


A Johnny Cash show, to be held inside Parramatta Gaol, is on the bill for the 2015 Sydney Festival's Parramatta program. Aussie rocker Tex Perkins will take on the role of the legendary singer-songwriter, recreating his groundbreaking 1968 Folsom Prison shows, framed by looming, razor-wired limestone walls in what was once the jail's exercise yard. The 19th-century jail is now out of commission but will make a suitably moody backdrop for Perkins' Far From Folsom, which also involves The Tennessee Four and Rachael Tidd doing the the vocals of June Carter.

The one-night only spectacle is but one of five world premieres to which Western Sydney audiences will be treated. At the Parramatta Opening Party (POP), scheduled for January 9, Paul Kelly will bring his new collaboration, The Merri Soul Sessions, to the stage for the first time ever, for which he’ll be joined by a bunch of our best local soul performers, including Dan Sultan, Clairy Browne, Kira Puru and Vika and Linda Bull. The free event, which kicks off from 6pm at Parramatta Town Hall, will also feature Radical Son, Christine Salem, New York City DJ, $mall ¢hange, the Waratah Drumcorps and 'Uptown' Brown. Elsewhere in Parramatta, there’ll be a rooftop performance from the Stiff Gins and a block party hosted by the fine Soul of Sydney folk.




Fri, Jan 16, 2015 - Sun, Jan 18, 2015

Fri, Jan 16, 2015 - Sunday, January 18, 2015



Parramatta Gaol
125 O'Connell Street


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