Thursday Lates

Get your week's fill of art and culture at the MCA's new late night.
Dianne Cohen
Published on April 03, 2012


Get your fill of art and culture for the week at the Thursday Lates series so you can free up your weekend to nurse that hangover guilt-free! After a series of record-breaking attendances at the MCA, the gallery has decided to swing its doors open late on Thursday evenings until the smack bang middle of the year, June 14.

Each week, enjoy the current exhibitions, hear informal talks by curators and other creative penseurs on the curious, the controversial and the deeply personal. Soon enough you’ll be walking around talking like Craig Schuftan from Triple J’s much-missed Culture Club. Here are a few tasters to get you riled up and ready.

If you’re keen to get a little challenged, attend a free speech session - for free! Snap. Get up on your soapbox and address audiences at the MCA at Soap Box. You know, get something off your chest. Everyone, including your boss, in-laws and ex-lovers (who might be there perhaps out of view behind a column or something) actually do want to hear your ranting and raving. How liberating! Lectures, freestyles, sermons and other spoken-word art forms are welcome. If you’re not so assertive, rally and jeer as an onlooker. It’s tempting to go just in case a fight breaks out.

Perhaps that’s all a little nuanced, and you would rather get universal. Australian Aboriginal Astronomy Project talk on April 26 is what it’s all about. Hear astronomer Duane Hamacher from the Macquarie University Research Centre for Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Astrophotonics speak about a collaboration of researchers studying the astronomical knowledge and traditions of Indigenous Australians. Coolness.
For the souls of quills and ink, Poet’s Corner (no, not the wine) features Eileen Chong, contributor to the publication for Volume One: MCA Collection.

Aside, the ritzy new MCA cafe is open day and night, too, so you can come for dinner and then catch up with the artwork. What a dreamy way to end the night.

Also running overnight on Thursday nights is Christian Marclay's the Clock.


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