Event Randwick

We Love Nic Cage Film Series

Six weeks. One actor. So many crazy grins.
Sarah Ward
August 25, 2018


Nearly four decades ago, the nephew of a famous film director took his first big screen acting gig playing a character so minor, he didn't even get a name. Six years later, the star in question nabbed a Golden Globe nomination. Before the century was out, he won an Oscar. These days, he also has eight Razzie nominations, but if ever an actor has straddled the vast chasm between the ridiculous and sublime, it's Nicolas Cage.

He has crooned Elvis songs for David Lynch, married Elvis's daughter in real life, acted opposite himself in Adaptation, taken to the skies with criminals in Con Air, named one of his sons after Superman, and starred into two of the worst Marvel-affiliated movies ever thanks to Ghost Rider and its sequel. The list goes on — and over his 37 years in the business, Nicolas Cage has amassed a whopping 95 screen credits.

We could continue, but everyone knows that talking about Nicolas Cage isn't anywhere near as great as watching Nicolas Cage. Also, for some reason, it just feels better to use his entire name. Don't just take our word for it about any of the above, however — take the Ritz Cinema's.

This year, as part of a six-week effort between September 2 and October 9, the Randwick venue is dedicating two days each week to Nicolas Cage mania. The cinema is calling it the We Love Nic Cage film series, and it has amassed quite the showcase of Nicolas Cage's work across six films – but let's be honest, they really could've picked any of his flicks and it'd be amazing. Attendees will get into the mood with the long-locked glory of Con Air, then watch Cage switch faces with John Travolta in Face/Off, before seeing him live life in the fast lane in Gone in 60 Seconds. Next comes jailbreak drama The Rock, his latest and maybe greatest in the form of unhinged thriller Mandy,before coming to a close with the Coen brothers' madcap comedy Raising Arizona.

Tickets cost $15 per session (and $12 for members), but the memories you'll have seared into your brain forever will be priceless. A word of warning: spending this long staring at Nicolas Cage's various crazy grins won't be easy to shake, especially with four of the films screening on 35mm.

If you're keen — and of course you are — here's the full rundown of films, dates and times:

Con Air: Sunday, September 2 at 4.45pm and Tuesday, September 4 at 8.30pm.

Face/Off: Sunday, September 9 at 5pm and Tuesday, September 11 at 8.30pm.

Gone in 60 Seconds: Sunday, September 16 at 5.30pm and Tuesday, September 18 at 8.30pm.

The Rock: Sunday, September 23 at 5pm and Tuesday, September 25 at 8.30pm.

Mandy: Saturday, September 29 at 8.30pm and Monday, October 1 at 5pm.

Raising Arizona: Sunday, October 7 at 5.30pm and Tuesday, October 9 at 8.30pm.




Sunday, September 2, 2018 - Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Sunday, September 2 - Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Ritz Cinema
39-47 St. Pauls Street


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