Restaurant Annandale

Fat Fish

Annandale's family-run fish and chipper nails the brief: fresh fish and golden chips.
Grace MacKenzie
July 13, 2022


A fish and chipper that nails the brief — fresh, tender fish; hot, golden chips — is something to cherish. Although, they can be difficult to pick out of a lineup. From experience, there are a few tell-tale signs to watch out for: queues (obviously), a family-run vibe and a vibrant lineup of salads on display. Proving this formula correct is Johnston Street's Fat Fish.

Keep it simple and lunch on a seafood basket ($14.90) filled with fish cocktails, rings of calamari, chips and more; or, get creative and pick and choose from your standard F&C offering (seafood sticks, Chiko rolls, pineapple fritters) and the more elevated (Greek-style barbecued octopus, garlic prawn skewers, beer-battered New Zealand mussels).

Image: Unsplash, Yulia Karnavushanka



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