Travel & Leisure

Lunchtime Nap at The Indigo Project

Naptime has returned.
By James Whitton
April 20, 2017
The Indigo Project

33 Foster Street, Surry Hills

Sleeping on the job is a big no-no in Western culture — despite the fact that it's been proven to increase concentration, improve alertness and be a great help in dealing with accidental work hangovers. Surry Hills mindfulness studio The Indigo Project knows that napping is the key to being generally better at everything, so they gifted Sydney with lunchtime nap classes. Built around research that shows a 20- to 30-minute nap is the optimum length for a siesta, classes run for 30 minutes from 1pm. If you're feeling a little off at work, and like you just can't get your brain to kick into gear, head down to Surry Hills for a boost of energy to help get you through the day.

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