Arts & Entertainment

Work-Shop Redfern

Weekends are for weaving, water-colouring or perhaps some welding.
By Melanie Colwell
January 29, 2016
Work-Shop Redfern

80 George Street, Redfern

Spent your week staring at spreadsheets and need a break from the screens, or just looking for an excuse to get your hands dirty? Work-Shop could be the answer. Based in Redfern, Work-Shop holds short courses to get creative juices flowing and new life-skills nailed. Everything you've ever wanted to learn (and probably ten things you didn't know you wanted to learn) is on offer: from making your own organic skincare to Japanese bookbinding to investment masterclasses. Courses are run by local artists and industry experts who will help you become a more creative (or functioning) adult. Who says you stop learning once you finish school?

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