Event Auckland

San Juan Festival

The Bellota Tapas bar is hosting a Spanish fiesta with live music throughout the week.
Dani McAllen
June 10, 2013


Ah Summer, come back and visit us already. We miss the long days in the sun with lots of wine and beer. If you can't wait that long for some seriously good Spanish wine and beer (who could) why not check out the the San Juan Festival this month.

The infamous Bellota Tapas bar in Auckland is hosting a special Spanish fiesta - celebrating San Juan Festival, a traditional Spanish festival that usually consists of fireworks, a bonfire, music and dancing to celebrate the beginning of summer.

While it may not technically be summer in Auckland, that's no reason to not celebrate in style. From June 17 through to June 23, Bellota will host live music from 6pm-9pm daily, and on June 21 from 7pm, a special fire dancer will be there to entertain you while you eat and drink the night away.




Monday, June 17, 2013 - Sunday, June 23, 2013

Monday, June 17 - Sunday, June 23, 2013


91 Federal Street


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