Brighty Goes Wayne's World

You'll want to miss this party — not.
Sarah Ward
Published on July 13, 2015


Every month, the fine folks at the Brightside show their affection for a film that everyone knows and loves — and in July, we're not worthy of their pick. Well, unless you don a trucker cap and a flanno, and headbang along to 'Bohemian Rhapsody' in a car filled with your mates, that is.

Yes, Brighty is going Wayne's World, and declaring the '90s music comedy the Baberham Lincoln of Saturday Night Live spin-offs. Both the original film and its 1993 sequel will be screening on their beer garden projector, but the night doesn't stop there.

Because Wayne and Garth are all about classic rock tunes, Wherewolves, Zefereli and Bonerstorm will be serving up more than a few, as will the Brightside's resident DJs. As always, themed drinks specials and a prize for the best outfit are all part of the fun — and we recommend denim and leather for the latter. Party on, Brisbane.


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