Creative Generation

Prepare to feel like a massive underachiever, as the best high school student work from 2014 goes on display.
Sarah Ward
Published on April 24, 2015


Remember coming home from school with your latest brightly coloured artwork, then beaming with pride when your parents stuck it on the fridge for all the world to see? The Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art do the same, just on a bigger scale. The exhibition takes a selection of outstanding pieces from senior students from schools across Queensland, then places them on display at GOMA.

For the best and brightest teenage artists, their childhood dream has become a reality. They haven't even made it to university yet, and their work is already hanging in the state's premier gallery.

For everyone else, it's the chance to sneak a peak at the next generation of creative geniuses, before they go on to even bigger and better things. Who knows — one day, you might even be able to say that you saw the early creations of an art superstar before they were big.

Image: Ginell Ranpura / Kelvin Grove State College / Zipcode 2014 / Digitally manipulated photogram


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