Everything Deco to Retro Fair

Where else will you assemble a new wardrobe of classic couture, top up your record collection and add a cat-shaped clock to your wall?
Sarah Ward
Published on February 17, 2015


Whether vintage fashion defines your style or kitsch antiques make your house a home, one thing is certain: everyone has fallen head over heels for everything deco and retro. And art nouveau-style trinkets, 1950s throwbacks, and all other types of mid-20th century paraphernalia too. Just like every other trend, there’s now an event catering for this communal outpouring of affection.

Focusing on items from the 1920s to the 1970s, the Everything Deco to Retro Fair will bring more than 40 dealers together to flaunt their wares. Think clothing, jewellery and accessories, of course, as well as homewares, furniture and other odds and ends. Basically, anything cool, cute, offbeat and one-of-a-kind you might come across from the period.

Want more? Well, that’s not all. The fair’s Facebook page gives plenty of sneak peeks of all the rad retro things you’re going to want to take home with you.


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