GOMA Q: Contemporary Queensland Art

Look forward - not back - at the state of Queensland art.
Sarah Ward
Published on July 13, 2015


Galleries spend a lot of time showcasing art from the past, but until October 11, the Gallery of Modern Art is going to be looking at the present and the future. Assembling new and recent pieces from 31 artists, their latest collection is designed to give audiences a taste of current works being made across Queensland.

Vernon Ah Kee, Davida Allen, Chantal Fraser and Anita Holtsclaw all feature, as well as Madeleine Kelly, Liam O'Brien and Grant Stevens, too. If you're familiar with the local art landscape, or have just been to an exhibition in Brisbane lately, you might recognise their names — and if not, you will soon.

Their creations help highlight what's going on across the state, but viewing their work is only part of the GOMA Q: Contemporary Queensland Art experience. Free talks and panels are also included the program — featuring author Benjamin Law, Opera Queensland's Lindy Hume, and Brisbane-based artists Michael Zavros and Richard Bell — because chatting about art is just as fun as looking at it.

Image: Liam O'Brien, Australia b. 1987 / Domestication 2014 / High definition single channel video, 10 mins 15 sec, ed. of 5 / Courtesy Sullivan+Strumpf, Sydney.


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