Good For Ya Gut

That's one new year's resolution sorted.
Sarah Ward
Published on January 03, 2017


Aaaah, January. The start of a new year always means one thing: making a whole heap of resolutions that you know you probably won't stick to. And, making the same resolutions. How many years in a row have you promised yourself that you'll eat better, look after yourself and learn something new?

At Work-Shop's Good For Ya Gut classes, you can do all of the above by working your way through its fermented food and drinks series. Join fermentation whiz Lucy Galbraith to discover just why you should revive this age-old technique — and how.

First cab off the rank is kombucha on January 9, followed by kefir on January 23, and kraut and kimchi on February 13. Perhaps you're already a fan of all four and want to whip up your own. Perhaps you're discovering something different and broadening your palette. Either way, the three evening sessions will add another skill or taste to your repertoire — or both — all while keeping your digestive system feeling oh-so-healthy.


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