Natalie Weir's The Host

Awkward dinner parties. Hell to be part of. A delight to watch.
Sarah Ward
Published on April 28, 2015


Everyone has attended at least one dinner party that didn't quite turn out like anyone expected. Perhaps all the guests were a bit awkward, or the host was a little anxious, or maybe everyone just wasn't in the mood. Now imagine that combined with power play, manipulation and accusations. It doesn't sound like a fun thing to experience — but it does sound entertaining to witness.

You can do just that at The Host, courtesy of award-winning choreographer Natalie Weir. In her dance theatre take on that dreaded social situation, an influential young man plays games with his dinner companions, offering an expose of society's insatiable desire for control and status.

The talented crew at Expressions Dance Company brings the swirling greed, ambition and jealousy to life, accompanied by live music from the Southern Cross Soloists and clothed in costumes by Brisbane-based fashion designer Gail Sorronda. And while scheming, songs and style will certainly hold your attention, with all the talk of dinner that's bound to happen, we also recommend eating first.


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