Studio 4101 Pop-Up

A new pop-up performance space at South Bank.
Sarah Ward
Published on February 09, 2015


If their style of performance isn’t your thing, you probably haven’t dropped by Opera Queensland’s headquarters. In fact, you might not even know that they dwell underneath the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University steps at South Bank. But this weekend, they’re hosting two evenings’ worth of pop-up events so that you’ll pop in.

Studio 4101 is a joint effort between OperaQ, QCGU and West End creatives Hub 4101. On the lawn outside, pop-up food stalls and bars will ensure no one is hungry or thirsty. Inside, three different shows will take over OperaQ’s rehearsal room. Come along for one, or stay for an entire night of entertainment.

The Con’s emerging music technology artists get things started, including The Tremors, Barega Saxophone Quartet and vocalist Petah Chapman with guitarist Joel Woods. Next, watch Stravinsky’s sinister music theatre work The Soldier’s Tale. Those staying longer can catch pianist, composer and arranger Steve Newcomb in a cool late-night jazz session.


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