The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee - Brisbane Arts Theatre

Musical theatre meets shameless word nerdery.
Sarah Ward
Published on March 23, 2015


Fancy yourself as a Scrabble whiz? Annoyed all your friends by taking Words with Friends a little too seriously? There may not be a solution for your shameless word nerdery, nor should there be, but there is a place where you can laugh at it.

Welcome to The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, the word wrangling championship of a lifetime. Six teens face off against six adults, all outsiders in their own way, and all determined to emerge victorious. Oh, and they sometimes break into song — when they're not jangling with nerves, that is. If you've been keen to see singing and spelling together somewhere other than Sesame Street, then this is the play for you.

The show's Broadway run was nominated for six Tony Awards, and now it's Brisbane's turn to pay tribute to wielding letters as a competitive sport. Beware: you might not just watch others demonstrate their dictionary skills. Yes, this is a play with audience participation.


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