The Bedroom Philosopher

He's the guy that made us laugh at ourselves, 'go down to JB Hi-Fi, flicccccck through indie' and is so post modern he makes alphabet soup, dyes it purple, and pours it on the lawn.
Emma Greenbury
Published on August 23, 2011


Being eccentric is one thing, but making people like and accept you for it is harder. So I guess then it's lucky that the lovable Justin Heazlewood, aka The Bedroom Philosopher is in town this week. He's ditched his Awkwardstra and has reined his idiosyncrasies into a (now) solo show ready for our judging eyes and ears.

The Beddy Phil didn't have such an easy life, he was an only child from Tasmania ('nuff said), and had an awkward Christian upbringing, which no doubt gave him fuel for his debut album In Bed With My Doona, and subsequent release Songs From The 86 Tram. His newest album Leaving My Hairdresser may sound like a mundane concept, but I promise you it's not. With such gem lyrics as 'one thing I could not forgive; when you took too much off my fringe. Hair is seventy percent of my looks, please take my name off your books', lulz will ensue. He's the guy that made us laugh at ourselves,  'go down to JB Hi-Fi, flicccccck through indie' and is so post modern he makes alphabet soup, dyes it purple, and pours it on the lawn. As if writing lyrical witticisms wasn't enough, the Bedroom Philosopher is also a contributor for Frankie magazine, writes an irregular newsletter Laptopping and has a penchant for vintage 70s ties. I mean, what more could you possibly want (he also has a dimple and wears glasses)? There ain't a thing in the world that should be stopping you from witnessing this self-confessed 'sharehousehold name' in action. At the very least, do it to defy the 20-strong 'Bedroom Philosopher -What a Dick' Facebook group, or to avoid a tour suspension like Byron Bay did (Brisbane promises we won't lurk up the back of the room like those jerks!).


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