Someone Has Invented Hands-Free Tinder to Make Dating Even Lazier

This new smartwatch app swipes right for you by measuring your heart rate.
Tom Clift
Published on July 08, 2015

Find true love without ever lifting a finger. A brand new smart watch app is eliminating the most physically arduous part of Tinder by selecting your matches for you based on the beating of your heart. Yep, it swipes right for you.

This is isn't just like putting your Tinder profile on auto-swipe (actual thing). Developed by American creative agency T3, Hands-Free Tinder works by measuring your pulse rate. According to T3, "The heart doesn't lie." The display on your smartwatch will show you a potential date’s profile picture and then gauges your physiological reaction. If your heartbeat quickens, it may well be true love/casual sex time. If it slows, it clearly wasn’t meant to be. Check out their classy, classy promotional video, below.

We’re not buying the whole ‘always listen to your heart’ shtick, but you’ve got to give the company credit for really boiling Tinder down to its bare essentials. You literally have to press one button, and everything else is taken care of. This is especially great news for frequent and/or desperate Tinder users, many of whom have begun to experience the symptoms of repetitive strain injury as a result of too much right swiping.

The hands-free functionality also has the added benefit of removing any lingering traces of guilt you might feel for snap-judging a potential match based solely on their physical appearance. After all, it’s not like you can control your heart rate. Just don’t use the app while you’re on the treadmill. Could lead to some pretty awkward, terribly-matched first dates.

While the concept video makes specific mention of the Apple Watch, the agency claims the app will be available via both Google Play and the Apple App Store, although no word yet as to when. It’s also worth pointing out that the app isn’t actually affiliated with the creators of Tinder, so there may be some rebranding before it hits stores. In the meantime, we’ll be huddled around our phones, swiping like a bunch of soulmate-seeking Neanderthals.

Via Mashable.

Image: Dollar Photo Club.

Published on July 08, 2015 by Tom Clift
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