Brisbane, You're Up: Guide Dogs Queensland Need You to Look After These Fresh New Pups

The organisation needs responsible dog lovers to look after the pups for just over a year before they go to work as guide dogs.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on September 15, 2019

Do you live in a dog-friendly house? Do you have some spare time on your hands? Do you fantasise about hanging around at dog parks with an actual dog?

The good folk at Guide Dogs Queensland need you. They have an abundance of puppies running around the place at the moment, and they're in desperate need of carers to raise them. In other words, they're giving away puppies.

If you put up your hand, you'll get a puppy for just over a year — from its eight-week birthday to when it turns 15 months — although placements can run for as little as four-to-seven months. During that time, you'll be responsible for introducing the sights, sounds and smells it'll meet when it starts working as a guide dog (and giving your new friend heaps of cuddles).

Of course, it's not all just fun, games and cuteness. You'll have to be responsible enough to take care of regular grooming, house training and exercise, and be available to attend local training days, along with vet checks and Puppy Pre-School. For the latter, you'll need to live within 90 minutes of Guide Dogs Queensland's Bald Hills headquarters. A car and a fenced-in property are mandatory, too. In return, the organisation provides a strong support network, food, vet care and prevention of fleas and ticks.

Guide Dogs Queensland are looking for people who are home most of the time, and are able to put effort into training and socialising the pup. Every day, 28 people in Australia get diagnosed with vision impairment, nine of whom can expect to go blind. Guide dogs are provided free to those in need, but each costs $50,000 to raise.

Keen? Apply here. And send pics please.

Published on September 15, 2019 by Jasmine Crittenden
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