America Buffalo - Troop Productions

Dive into a world of junk shops, collectors, a rare coin, a robbery and a small-time crook.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 25, 2016


One day. Two acts. One play. Throwing some more figures into the mix, 41 years, two Tony Award nominations and one film adaptation are also relevant. That's David Mamet's American Buffalo in a nutshell, or in numbers at least. It's had quite the impact since it premiered in Chicago back in 1975 — and it's bound to again in its latest staging at Brisbane Powerhouse.

The drama tells the tale of Teach, Don and Bobby, as the latter pair plan something and the former tries to get in on the action. This is a world of junk shops, collectors, a rare coin, a robbery and a small-time crook — and of manipulation and other scheming.

Sounds riveting, doesn't it? Given that Mamet is also responsible for greats such as Glengarry Glen Ross and Speed-the-Plow, that's hardly surprising. In Brissie, Troop Productions will be bringing his work to life and trying to fill some rather considerable shoes. Did we mention that William H. Macy, Robert Duvall, Al Pacino, Hayley Joel Osment and John Goodman have starred in previous US and UK versions?


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