Event Woolloongabba

Athene Currie: Méconnaissance — New Rites of Passage

Finding yourself takes on a whole new meaning.
Sarah Ward
August 02, 2016


The French word méconnaissance doesn't get thrown around in everyday conversation all that often (or ever, really), but once you start thinking about it, you might want to change that. Psychoanalyst Jaques Lacan — aka "the most controversial psychoanalyst since Freud," according to some sources — used it to describe our ability to mistakenly recognise our own images and identities. Who can't relate to that?

Athene Currie certainly thought it was something worth pondering, given that the term pops up in the title of her solo show. Méconnaissance — New Rites of Passage collates a series of performative videos to explore the concept of discovering one's true self, particularly during the middle of our lives.

Yes, this is an exhibition for anyone who has ever tried to find themselves, but don't go in expecting easy answers. Instead, there'll be plenty of food for thought from July 27 to August 14, with Currie performing at the opening night celebrations on August 4.

Image: Athene Currie, New Rites of Passage, 2016, video still.




Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - Sunday, August 14, 2016

Wednesday, July 27 - Sunday, August 14, 2016


POP Gallery
12 Ipswich Road


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