Event Fortitude Valley

Audio Collective Pool Party

Are live music and inflatable sea creatures up your alley? Get wet and wild at Coniston Lane.
Elizabeth Penrose
March 10, 2014


Although we're now heading into autumn, the team at Audio Collective are keen to squeeze the last little bit of fun out of the warm weather. They are hosting a night of great local music and wait for it... a pool party!

Located in the Valley's Coniston Lane, Audio Collective have organised the tunes and the inflatable sea creatures. On the killer line up is the gorgeous Wafia (pictured) whose music is inspired by the tender sounds of Bon Iver. Wafia injects her folk music with a bit of minimal electronic goodness to bring you a perfectly rounded mix of old and new. Andrew Markwell, Love Signs, Youth Allowance and Oyster Sauce will all be keeping the live music flowing. Audio Collective DJs are keen to get wet and wild and keep the party vibe pumping into the wee hours.

Bands start at 8.30pm til midnight. Bring your floaties and head to Coniston Lane for a night filled with music and mayhem.


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