Event Fortitude Valley

Beer and Cheese Matching

Celebrate Father’s day early this Thursday at the Black Pearl Epicure cheese and beer matching class. With Black Pearl’s cheese expert, Peter Gross, and one of Australia’s most prolific beer writers, Matt Kirkegaard, sharing their almighty knowledge of combining two of the most sinful yet satisfying gifts for the stomach, Dad is sure to be thrilled.
Elizabeth Tucker
August 27, 2012


Celebrate Father’s day early this Thursday at the Black Pearl Epicure cheese and beer matching class. With Black Pearl’s cheese expert, Peter Gross, and one of Australia’s most prolific beer writers*, Matt Kirkegaard, sharing their almighty knowledge of combining two of the most sinful yet satisfying gifts for the stomach, Dad is sure to be thrilled. He will get the opportunity to taste some top beers, local and from around the globe as well as cheeses sourced to perfectly complement these brews. A great way to spoil your father ahead of time. Plus it gives you the opportunity to sleep in on Sunday morning!

*Yes, beer writing is a career.


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