Arts & Entertainment

Geek Girls

Who said beauties and geeks were mutually exclusive?
By Sarah Ward
April 18, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 - Friday, May 13, 2016

Tuesday, April 19 - Friday, May 13, 2016

QUT: The Block

Corner Kelvin Grove Road and Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove

Questionable reality television programs might try to claim otherwise; however beauties and geeks aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, at the latest exhibition to grace The Block at Queensland University of Technology's Creative Industries Precinct, they're the same thing.

Geek Girls pays tribute to the lovely ladies at the forefront of art, technology, new media and anything else that could earn the nerdy tag. With a lineup that includes Antoinette J. Citizen, Meagan Streader, Michaela Gleave, Tega Brain, Georgie Roxby Smith, Lauren McCarthy, Soda Jerk, Sarah van Sonsbeeck and Chicks on Speed's Alexandra Murray-Leslie, the showcase's savvy bunch of female creative practitioners are certain to bust all stereotypes and labels.

Their experimental and cutting-edge works don't just show off more than a few exciting and inventive individual pieces — they highlight the integral role women play in innovative and artistic endeavours, too. If you thought being called a "geek" was an insult, you'll change your mind here. That's what girl power combined with smart thinking does, after all.

Image: Michaela Gleave, Eclipse Machine (Retrograde Motion), 2015, projection lamp, motors, prisms, timber, stand, 70 x 70 x 140cm.

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