Malt Lovers

Wit and whisky, together at last.
Sarah Ward
Published on August 31, 2015


Who doesn't love First Dog on the Moon? As the Guardian's much-loved cartoonist, he's canny with political comedy and clever with a pencil. In the flesh, he's just as smart and satirical, as two of his Brisbane Writers Festival 2015 events will prove. We'd tell you to see his live show and his panel discussion on sarcasm, but they've already sold out, so it appears you're way ahead of us.

Thankfully, the astronaut pooch is also fond of the soothing elixir that is whisky, and he wants to share his experiences. In what's likely to be BWF's most liquor-fuelled event, Malt Lovers sees everyone's favourite creative canine and fellow cartoonist Jon Kudelka hop through the highlights of their 600km tour of every whisky distillery and whisky bottler on the Tasmanian Whisky Trail.

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