Event South Brisbane

Mind vs Machine: What Makes Us Human? — World Science Festival Brisbane Film Program

If any subject was destined to have its own mini film fest as part of a science event, it's artificial intelligence.
Sarah Ward
February 12, 2016


If there's one topic science fiction can't get enough of, it's artificial intelligence. And if there's one situation sci-fi films can't stop contemplating, it's the interplay between humans and technology with consciousness.

In The Matrix, people were plugged into a computer program — and in Her, a lonely guy fell in love with an operating system. Existenz played with virtual reality, while Ex Machina tried to tell the difference between a robot and a person.

All four became classics of the genre, and now feature in the Mind vs Machine: What Makes Us Human? film program that accompanies the World Science Festival Brisbane. If any subject was destined to have its own mini film fest as part of a science event, it was this one. And of course, they screen alongside the ultimate movie example, aka Blade Runner, because it wouldn't be an exploration of AI in cinema without Ridley Scott's seminal science fiction effort.



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