Event South Brisbane

Orgasmic Raw Chocolate Workshop

Learn how to make a healthy version of the sweet treat everyone loves.
Sarah Ward
April 10, 2017


If you say a word often enough, it loses its meaning; however, there's at least one combination of letters that's immune. Admit it, we've all uttered, screamed and squealed the word chocolate too many times to count, and we'll all keep doing so. Eating it is addictive, talking about it is addictive ... and now making it can be as well.

There's a reason Work-Shop's choc-focused class references a rather vocal kind of reaction to everyone's favourite sweet treat, after all. Well, there's a few. No one can stop chattering about chocolate, or exclaiming with enjoyment when they devour it. This session will probably just make all of the above happen more often, while also teaching you to whip up your own concoctions at home. Oh, and your hand-made morsels will also be good for you.

If you weren't babbling with excitement already, you should be. Essentially Me's Joey Gordon will step you through all things cacao, and add a dash of essential oils in the process. Yep, you'll discover the wonders of both, and mix them together to make essential oil-infused raw organic chocolate, all just in time for Easter.



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