Next time you break out your best downward-facing dog, you could just have a posing pooch for company. As part of its latest animal-oriented exercise bonanza, Stretch Yoga will get you stretching while sharing the love with cute canine.
Marking the studio's eighth birthday and raising money for the deserving cause that is Domestic Animal Rescue and Education (DARE), Puppy Yoga gives every dog-loving yoga aficionado their day. Yes, the class really will pair adorable pooches with beginner yoga poses. You'd be barking mad not to head along.
The classes take place at 12pm and 1pm on Sunday, August 21 at Stretch Yoga's Holland Park studio. And, if you're looking for a four-legged friend to take home with you, all of the puppies will be up for adoption as well.
Register early when bookings open on Monday, August 15 — the $50-a-ticket sessions sure to get snapped up faster than a dog munching on a treat.
Images: Stretch Yoga.
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Stretch Yoga Holland Park50 Seville Road
Holland Park