Event Fortitude Valley

Ramen Wednesdays

Slurp up Gerard's flavoursome ramen every Wednesday in April.
Sarah Ward
April 04, 2018


As far as comfort food goes, there's nothing quite like a big bowl of brothy ramen. Slurping up those noodles, tearing into the slivers of succulent pork, catching the slippery boiled egg with your chopsticks — it's not just tasty; it's also cathartic. And, it's just the kind of thing you need when the middle of the week rolls around, you can't be bothered cooking and you just want to devour something delicious. Enter: Gerard's Bar.

Every Wednesday during April, the James Street hangout is bringing back their Ramen Wednesdays and serving up everyone's favourite soup dish from 4pm until sold out. It's back by popular demand, so if you went along last time, you'll know this is no ordinary ramen — think free-range macadamia-fed charcuterie pork, soy pickled eggs, crisp nori, green onions and handmade egg noodles, plus your choice of either black garlic oil or umami rich chilli oil.

Because you can't have ramen without sake, there'll also be plenty of the latter on offer as well. All that's left is to hurry on it, get slurping and get sipping. We'll say kampai to that.



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