Event South Brisbane

Surrealism Up Late: Catcall

This Friday, Sydney's Catcall will be doing her thing and making people dance to a sure-to-be catchy set.
Tess Cameron
July 26, 2011


Darlings who attend any art exhibition during the day are just so passé, if you want to be seen, it’s all about staying up late now. As always, GoMA is ahead of the curve and has been running Up Late events in support of their special exhibitions for several years now.

To coincide with the current exhibit Surrealism: The Poetry of Dreams, GoMA have been hosting Friday night events with classic, genre-appropriate movie screenings and even more appropriate DJs and producers creating the right atmosphere for the cultured attendees. This Friday, Sydney's Catcall will be doing her thing and making people dance to a sure-to-be catchy set. Last year her single Swimming Pool was named the best of 2010 by Mess + Noise, so you know she’s good.

Also happening on the night will be screenings of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s movies ‘El Topo’ and ‘The Holy Mountain’. Curator’s talks with Nicholas Chambers and Nancy Underhill are also worth catching. On top of all of this, there will also be a bar and nibbles provided, plus...you know, the amazing art on display! No excuses people!


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