Event Brisbane

Thank Albert It’s (Almost) Christmas!

Because every workday needs a lunchtime street party.
Sarah Ward
November 30, 2015


Ever daydreamed about breaking out of the 9-to-5 grind by taking to the streets and throwing a lunchtime party? We all have, but such flights of fancy have stayed confined to our imaginations — until now.

Between 11.30am and 2.30pm on December 4, the stretch of Albert Street running from Charlotte and Mary streets will become the kind of midday fun fair usually relegated to the realm of fantasy. Instead of road, you'll find astroturf. Instead of cars, you'll find deck chairs. Instead of inner-city hustle and bustle, you'll find live music, board games and craft workshops.

Yep, it's the perfect way to celebrate a whole host of things: an hour out of the office, the end of the week and the arrival of the holiday season, for starters. It's also a great excuse to head away from the mall, put Christmas shopping out of your mind and really enjoy all things festive.

Image via Kgbo.



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