Event Brisbane

Trainspotters vs Lost Movements

The teams behind Lost Movements and Trainspotters have joined forces to create one super-fun night.
Elizabeth Penrose
September 02, 2013


Have you organised your Saturday night yet? No? Well, regular club night Trainspotters at the Grand Central Hotel are mixing things up a bit this Saturday and it's bound to be a good one. The teams behind Lost Movements and Trainspotters have joined forces to create a super fun night filled with live bands, art and entertainment.

Some of the bands who will be rocking out will be The Dead Love, Love Like Hate and White Elephant. Artists such as Littleamb, Steven Falco and Jackson Hambridge will be showcasing the fruits of their labour. Talented Brisbane burlesque dancers, Tina Joy and Samantha Nova, will also grace the stage and be sure to put some colour in your cheeks with their va-va-voom performances.

Pencil Trainspotters vs Lost Movements into your diary and be prepared for a great night.


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