The Calile Is James Street's New Boutique Hotel

With a pool, cabanas, day spa, fitness centre and a poolside restaurant — plus room for plenty more eateries.
Sarah Ward
Published on July 21, 2016

It has a marketplace, cinema, pub, more than a few bars, cafes and restaurants, and plenty of places to go shopping — but one thing Fortitude Valley's James Street doesn't have is a boutique hotel. Well, it doesn't at the moment. Come 2018, that statement will no longer be accurate.

Meet The Calile, a resort-style haunt due to pop up right on the edge of the city — and right in the heart of one of the most happening parts of town. Described as "a true urban oasis", the seven-storey, 178-room, Richards & Spence Architects-designed accommodation hub will be the second establishment in the TFE Hotels Collection after Canberra's Hotel Kurrajong,

Of course, given its location, The Calile won't just offer a nice place to stay for tourists and anyone looking for a fancy staycation spot, though it'll definitely do that. It'll also boast a pool, cabanas, day spa, fitness centre and a poolside restaurant, plus over 2600 square meters of new retail and hospitality space for more stores and eateries. Basically, given the current makeup of James Street, it'll fit right in.

Plus, news of the new hotel answers a question that plenty of Brisbanites have been wondering about since the building on the corner of James, Doggett and Wandoo streets was torn down recently. Yes, that's exactly where you'll find what's certain to be your new favourite place to hangout in two years time. And with nearby Palace Centro also kicking off their renovations — including adding more cinema screens — the whole area is about to look quite a bit different.

The Callie Brisbane is due to open on James, Doggett and Wandoo streets, Fortitude Valley in 2018. For more information, keep an eye on the hotel's website.

Published on July 21, 2016 by Sarah Ward
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